
Fellowship: It’s More Than Just a Handshake

We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” But what about how you know them? That’s where fellowship comes in. It’s the secret sauce, the magic ingredient that transforms acquaintances into friends, colleagues into brothers, and strangers into a supportive community.

In my life, fellowship takes many forms. It’s those Friday nights at Omerta Cigar Co., where the conversation flows as freely as the smoke, and we unofficially call it “Friday Night Therapy.” It’s the camaraderie before and after lodge meetings, where we talk about everything from kids and careers to the latest happenings in the Masonic world. It’s the game nights, the board games, the Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, and yes, even the occasional (okay, frequent) rounds of Call of Duty.

These moments of shared experience, of laughter and vulnerability, are where true fellowship is forged. It’s about being present, being a good listener, and offering support without judgment. It’s about creating a space where everyone feels comfortable being themselves, where bonds are strengthened, and where memories are made.

Fellowship in Freemasonry

Fellowship is the heart and soul of Freemasonry. It’s the reason we gather in our lodges, the reason we participate in degrees and rituals, and the reason we strive to make a difference in our communities.

But fellowship isn’t just about what happens within the lodge walls. It’s about extending that same spirit of camaraderie and support to our brothers in our everyday lives. It’s about checking in on each other, offering a helping hand, and being there for each other through thick and thin.

Attracting New Members Through Fellowship (Without Recruiting!)

Now, I know we don’t “recruit” in Freemasonry. But we can create environments and opportunities where fellowship flourishes, and where those who might be interested in our fraternity can see what we’re all about.

Think about it. If someone sees a group of Masons having a blast at a game night, or engaging in lively conversation at a cigar lounge, they might be intrigued. They might start to wonder, “What is it about these guys? What makes them so close?”

That’s when the magic of osmosis happens. By simply being ourselves, by demonstrating the genuine fellowship that exists within our fraternity, we can pique the curiosity of those who might be seeking something more in their lives.

And when they finally ask that question – “How do I become a Mason?” – we’ll be there to welcome them with open arms.

The Invitation is Open

So, if you’re reading this and thinking, “This sounds like something I’d be interested in,” I encourage you to reach out to a Mason you know. Ask him about his experiences, about his lodge, about the meaning of Freemasonry.

And if you’re already a Mason, I challenge you to be more intentional about fellowship. Create opportunities for your brothers to connect, to share, and to support each other. Make your lodge a place where everyone feels welcome, valued, and part of something truly special.

Because at the end of the day, fellowship is what makes life worth living. It’s the glue that holds us together, the spark that ignites our passions, and the foundation upon which we build a better world.

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Sammy is living proof that you can be a tech guru with a Master's degree in Software Engineering, a motorcycle enthusiast, a Marvel Comics fan, and a storm chaser – all while finding time for Freemasonry. He's a 32° Scottish Rite Mason, a Junior Warden, a Grotto Secretary, and a self-proclaimed "Omerta Mason" – all titles he wears with pride. By day, he keeps the aviation industry safe as a Training Requirements Specialist; by night (and sometimes day!), he chases tornadoes across the Oklahoma plains for a local news station (talk about an adrenaline rush!). He's passionate about sharing his Masonic journey and connecting with brothers from all walks of life. Just don't ask him to choose between his love for coding and his Indian Challenger – it's a tie!